Caring Connections
About Caring Connections
Caring Connections is a registered charity with over 30 years’ experience in supporting vulnerable adults. As a charity we provide social care services across the Northwest aiming to target the most deprived areas. At present we support over 450 people per day and provide over 18000 hours of care per month. Alongside this we specialise in the provision of targeted counselling services to individuals affected by complex bereavement.
Caring Connections Ltd The Ashcroft Centre, Unit 15 Ashcroft Road, Liverpool, Merseyside, L33 7TW
Service Eligibility
Information for Volunteers
Caring Connections has introduced a telephone befriending service in the Merseyside Region specifically targeting the residents of Knowsley.
Knowsley is our main area of domiciliary care provision and we take pride in being part of the wider community in and around Knowsley. The befriending service is designed to help and support socially isolated adults in the community by offering regular contact calls to those who may feel alone. Our aim is to support them in reducing isolation and improve their emotional wellbeing. We welcome volunteers to join us and help to provide befriending services to adults across our community.