Cornelly Development Trust
Amdani Corneli
About Cornelly Development Trust
We offer activities and services at our offices between Monday and Friday. Everyone is welcome to come along and either just sit quietly with a hot drink and enjoy being around people, or to take part in whatever activity is taking place at that time. You can chat, read a book, or do whatever you feel comfortable with.
Mondays: Book Club 10.30am to 12.30pm
Tuesdays: ReFab sewing Group 10am to 2pm
Wednesdays: Coffee and Crafts 10am to 12pm & Billy’s Bingo 1pm to 3pm
Thursdays: “Shw Mae Dydd Iau” Conversational Welsh social group for learners and Welsh speakers
Fridays: “Try It Friday!” – Different taster sessions each week from needle felting to stained glass making, and many other options in between
We are also offering an outreach service for those who are housebound. Volunteers will do some shopping, drop in for a chat, collect prescriptions etc.
45/47 Heol Fach, North Cornelly, Bridgend, Bridgend, CF33 4LN
Service Eligibility
We welcome anyone from within the Bridgend area who is feeling isolated or needs some support. Call us on 01656 670812 or email: to make a referral or self refer. Our website – – also has information about what we offer.
Information for Volunteers
We are looking for volunteers who are able to help deliver activities within our office, or on an outreach basis in people’s homes. Whether you are able to spend an hour having a chat over a cup of tea, or you can collect some shopping, prescriptions, or offer a lift, we would like to hear from you. Because of the nature of these volunteer roles, an enhanced DBS check will be necessary.
Age Groups
Young People (18-25), Adults (25-65)Themes
Homeless, Learning Disabilities, Lone Parent Families, Mental Health, Sensory Impairment, Sexuality/Gender Identity, Disability, Older PeopleRegions
Country: Wales
Other Information
Type of Befriending: Face to face befriending which takes place in the home or community
Who can refer: Self Referrals Accepted, Friends & Family Referrals Accepted, Professional Referrals Accepted