Deaf Action
Befriending ServiceAbout Deaf Action
We currently offer face-to-face and distance befriending throughout Edinburgh, Dundee and Glasgow to all deaf people aged 16+ who are experiencing difficulties or isolation due to their deafness. We can accommodate befriending matching for people who use either BSL or English as their first language. We also offer online befriending through video calling or phone calls for those living outwith these cities, or who are unable to participate in face to face.
*deaf includes all people who are either BSL users, hard of hearing, deafened or Deafblind
Deaf Action, 49-51 Albany Street, Edinburgh, Midlothian, EH1 3QY
Service Eligibility
Information for Volunteers
We actively seek volunteers who wish to gain new experience in befriending with deaf and hard of hearing people. The opportunity is there for volunteers to learn about deaf awareness, lipreading and some of British Sign Language.