Befriending Week – 1-7 November 2024 – click here for more information.

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Dunkeld, Birnam & District Community Development Trust

PH8 Caring Support- Befriending
  • 07432569447

About Dunkeld, Birnam & District Community Development Trust

PH8 Caring Support Befriending, aims to recruit and train volunteer befrienders to visit local people (befriendees), providing social support, in a way bespoke to each person. Befriending offers supportive, reliable relationships to people who would otherwise be socially isolated. This would normally be by face to face visits but could also include telephone befriending. This support is intended for older people and adults with a physical or learning disability within the PH8 postcode area. Befriendees will be matched to a suitable befriender. As the service operates in a rural area, there may be times when a suitable befriender is not immediately available. The frequency of visits will be determined individually, depending on the availability of the befriender and what suits the befriendee but would not be more than once per week.

Lagmhor, Perth Road, Little Dunkeld, Scotland, PH8 0AD

Service Eligibility

Information for Volunteers

PH8 Caring Support Befriending, recruits and train volunteer befrienders to visit local people (befriendees), providing social support in a way bespoke to each person. Befriending offers supportive, reliable relationships to people who would otherwise be socially isolated and also the opportunity for volunteers to make a real difference in the quality of another’s life. Visits would normally be face to face but could also include telephone befriending, where this suited both parties.

The frequency of visits is determined individually, depending on the availability of the befriender and what suits the befriendee but would not normally be more than once per week. This support is intended for older people and adults with a physical or learning disability within the PH8 postcode area. We will have an initial meeting with all volunteer befrienders to discuss the role and expectations. We send for a Disclosure Scotland check and ask for one character reference. Initial training is provided and there is a befriender agreement, to ensure clarity about the role. Each befriender will have a point of contact for any support required and the partnership will be reviewed on a regular basis.

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