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Fife Carers Centre

About Fife Carers Centre

Our befriending service at Fife Carers Centre is there to help carers who feel lonely or isolated to increase their circle of friends. Volunteer befrienders and carers are carefully matched so that you will be meeting someone you feel comfortable with. We know that little things make a difference. Having someone to chat with over a cuppa, going for a walk together to the beach or the shops or lending a friendly ear can help carers take time out to look after themselves so that they are refreshed to continue caring for their loved one. Our befrienders have helped carers to become more confident, to cope with their caring role and to start feeling like a person again instead of feeling that they are only defined as a carer. If you are a carer and think this service could benefit you then please get in touch with the centre where any of our staff will be happy to help you.

157 Commercial Street, Commercial Street, Kirkcaldy, Fife, KY1 2NS

Service Eligibility

Information for Volunteers

Our volunteers receive training and regular support in the form of supervision and a monthly befriender group. Some of our volunteers have made friends with each other and we even have a befriender quiz team. The befrienders are matched with an adult carer who is feeling lonely, isolated or excluded and is in need of some friendly assistance.

Here are some comments from our volunteers on what befriending means to them:

‘I feel welcomed by my match; she stands at the gate waiting for me.’

‘I am comfortable in our relationship.’

‘I am happy to meet with someone; it is nice for her to chat to someone not connected to her husband’s illness.’

‘I am privileged that I am helping someone and knowing I am making a difference.’

‘I feel respected by my match; he values my opinion – and by Fife Carers Centre which makes me feel good.’

‘I am proud of the things we have done together and what volunteering has given me for my own future.’

Most people meet with their befriendee once per week for around 2 – 3 hours but others meet once a month. We ask our volunteers to agree to befriend someone for a minimum of 6 months otherwise there are no set rules for the time volunteered: you tell us when you are available and we try to match you with someone who wants similar things.

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