Inspiring Communities

About Inspiring Communities
Volunteers Befriending Project has been set up by Inspiring Communities to support people in the community through tailored ‘purposeful friendship’. Inspiring Communities are an award winning community regeneration project delivering in priority areas in Stirling. They provide employability, learning, volunteering, digital and environmental activities alongside services designed to tackle social isolation and loneliness. The Volunteers Befriending project specifically works with individuals who may feel socially isolated and lonely or need facilitative support with active citizenship. Social support is provided on a one to one basis tailored to meet individual needs to improve the social and mental wellbeing of people in their own environments, reduce isolation and loneliness, encourage access to community services and increase resilience.
Raploch Community Campus, Drip Road, Stirling, Stirlingshire, FK8 1RD
Service Eligibility
Anyone who lives, works or volunteers in the areas we operate in Stirling who is aged 18 and over who may feel socially isolated and lonely or need facilitative support with active citizenship. Referrals via or 01786 272358 to request a referral form.
Information for Volunteers
An offer of confidence building services, digitally, by telephone and face to face to ensure we provide support across priority areas in Stirling regardless of mobility, financial situation, and geography. We need to ensure that the referral routes within are clear and widely known. Telephone, digital and in person information and discussion sessions providing peer support for socially isolated and lonely people. Providing participants a safe space and opportunity to discuss their situation. Participants also receive signposting information to enable them to access help and support. Participants are encouraged to be Active Citizens. The Volunteer Befriending Project will be working with Self-Referrals and Referrals from supporting services. Anyone may refer themselves or people they know or their clients. Volunteer befriender is a service which provides support from Volunteer, who establish a rewarding and trusting relationship. Where possible we match on the basis of shared similar experiences and backgrounds. Hobbies and interests are also important factors involved in matching, in order to aid the formation of trust in the developing relationship.
Age Groups
Young People (18-25), Adults (25-65)Themes
Care Experienced People, Carers, Ethnic Minority Communities, Older PeopleRegions
Country: Scotland
Forth ValleyOther Information
Type of Befriending: Distance befriending including telephone, video call, letter writing or other means, Face to face befriending which takes place in the home or community
Who can refer: Self Referrals Accepted