Linking Lives Bedford
About Linking Lives Bedford
We offer Befriending to adults (18+), who live in Bedford Borough and are experiencing loneliness and isolation. When appropriate, we may also help to support connecting with the local community. We usually give face to face Befriending, but may offer telephone Befriending where this isn’t possible.
Linking Lives Bedford Befriending Service, Woodside Church, Bedford, Bedfordshire, MK41 8QH
Service Eligibility
Information for Volunteers
Our volunteers are trained to work with those who are experiencing loneliness and social isolation. We organise DBS checks and training for all our volunteers. Our Befrienders give a listening ear, time, encouragement, and where appropriate, support to integrate into the life of the community. They do this by offering positive friendships through weekly or fortnightly visits. We also offer telephone befriending, when required. and will meet up visit or call regularly for a chat. We have recently started Alongside an option of attending community activities together for 3-6 months until a Link friend has the confidence to attend themselves.