Journey Across Befriending Roadshow 2025 – booking now.

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Perth and Kinross Council

About Perth and Kinross Council

Befriender (at home or out with, ie have a coffee, visit a local place)Activity Buddy – be it a walk round the block or a game of somethingCare Visitor ( for those who receive nobody chat in room or help them engage with activities )Driver ( only in certain criteria)For those aged 65yrs and over.Referral path via Social Work, Older People’s Mental Health Team, GP, Social Prescriber or other out with agency ie Pharmacist or District Nurse

Pullar House, 35 Kinnoull Street, Perth, Perth And Kinross, PH1 5DG

Service Eligibility

Information for Volunteers

Do you have some spare time? Would you like to help others reconnect with their community, support and spend time with those who have nobody.These are volunteering roles about people and communities working together for the benefit and wellbeing of others.Driving – ie help someone who can no longer drive keep up a life long acquaintance or start going out to a group.Befriending roles helping someone along to an activity, staying with them to get them joining in and being comfortableCare Home Visitor make the day or someone who never receives a visitorSports Buddy take someone to the football, play a round of golf with them or may a simple walk to the end of the path

Age Groups



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