Rainham Foodbank
Rainham Foodbank Befriending ServiceAbout Rainham Foodbank
Rainham Foodbank Befriending Services provides 1-1 befriending support to people from 18 years old who are struggling with their mental health and well-being and are socially isolated and lonely through our wrap-around support. Our wraparound support consists of counselling, benefits advice, Citizens Advice, English for Refugees and Skill Acquisition(Sewing). We recruit and provide adequate training for volunteer befrienders to enable them to deliver the services required to meet the needs of the befriendees. Rainham Foodbank Befriending Services matches the befriendees to suitable befrienders based on age, need, locality. We are GDPR compliant(data protection); we adhere strictly to our policy of confidentiality and Equality and Diversity Act (2010).
1st Floor Mick Fury House, Lowen Road, Rainham, ESSEX, RM13 8HT
Service Eligibility
Information for Volunteers
Rainham Foodbank Befriending Services offers training, ongoing support and supervision for volunteers who are looking to become a befriender. We ensure that our befrienders are matched suitably with their befriendees. We encourage peer to peer support amongst the befriendees. We also offer a good induction process to ensure that volunteers have a good understanding of their roles and responsibilities. We carry out risk assessments to ensure the safety of our volunteers and befriendees. Transparency and accountable working conditions are paramount. to our service provision. All our policies, including Lone Working policy are updated regularly to ensure that all legal requirements are being met.