Slough CVS
Wellbeing Friends ServiceAbout Slough CVS
The Wellbeing Friends Service is a free, confidential, local befriending telephone service for any one aged 18 and over, older people, their families, friends, carers, and their cared for for anyone feeling lonely or needing some practical help, advice and support.If you live in Slough, Berkshire, and would like to self-refer, you can contact your GP or Social Prescriber Link Worker at your GP surgery who can make a referral on your behalf.Alternatively, residents can self-refer by emailing the Wellbeing Friends Service at The Wellbeing Co-ordinator will assess and make contact within 5 working days.
Slough CVS, 27 Church Street, Slough, Berkshire, SL1 1PL
Service Eligibility
Information for Volunteers
The Wellbeing Friends Service is a telephone befriending service based in Slough, Berkshire.If you are a good listener, empathetic and patient with great communication skills, and would like to support individuals in Slough experiencing social isolation and loneliness, then please get in touch!Volunteer telephone befrienders will spend about 1 hour a week talking to a client and supporting them on their journey to improve their mental and physical wellbeing. Full training and support is provided.To learn more, or apply, please