Surrey Heath Age Concern CIO
About Surrey Heath Age Concern CIO
Often poor health and reduced mobility make it difficult for many older people to get out. As a result they often become lonely and are at risk of becoming isolated and housebound with increasing difficulty in coping with the complications of modern life. Surrey Heath Age Concern CIO operates a Befriending Service ; currently over 50 volunteers visit around 60 older people in their homes across the Borough every week. The aim of the Befriending Service is to help older people maintain their independence by introducing them to one of our volunteers who visits them on a weekly basis. This visit could be a chat over a cup of tea, a walk to the local cafe, and much more. Over time this builds a respectful and mutual friendship.
20 Salisbury Grove, Salisbury Grove, Mytchett, Surrey, GU16 6BP
Service Eligibility
Information for Volunteers
Surrey Heath Age Concern CIO are looking for individuals aged 18 and over to join their volunteer team.We ask that you are able to volunteer with us for one hour each week to undertake a visit. In return for your time and commitment, we offer training , ongoing support and reimbursement of out of pocket expenses (within Policy Limits). We look forward to hearing from you.