The Disability Social Network (Disability Network CIC)
Community Befriending ServiceAbout The Disability Social Network (Disability Network CIC)
Anyone aged 18+ suffering from social isolation, or needing someone to talk to, will be able to connect with a telephone befriender, and in turn, reconnect with their local community. We support residents in Gainsborough, Lincolnshire and the immediate surrounding area.Social interaction is a big part of everyday life and not socialising can be detrimental to mental and physical health and wellbeing.
Chat Chill Connect C/o Connexions, 100 Church Street, Gainsborough, Lincolnshire, DN21 2JR
Service Eligibility
Information for Volunteers
We offer local volunteers an opportunity to work from home, making telephone calls to the socially isolated and or elderly generation in Gainsborough and the immediate surrounding area.Good listening and communication skills are important for the volunteer role and training is provided.Volunteers should be aged 18+ and be able to spare an hour a week for at least 12 weeks.