The No. 1 Befriending Agency

About The No. 1 Befriending Agency
The No.1 Befriending Agency runs a befriending service where trained volunteers visit isolated older people and spend some time with them to have a wee chatter, a cup of tea, and to hear their stories.
Our 12-week befriending service offers service users the opportunity to be paired with dedicated volunteers who commit to visiting them once a week for an hour.
Befriending visits are tremendously helpful in battling the problem of loneliness and isolation, because they show people that others care about them and that they have somebody that they can talk to. Befrienders also serve as a link to a wider network of support available for vulnerable people and can ring the alarm bells if, for example, a person experiences any undue harm. For people without family members close by, this support can be invaluable.
We also offer regular group befriending events around Glasgow.
51 Cadogan Street, 8 Floor West, Glasgow, Scotland, G2 7HF
Service Eligibility
To be eligible for our befriending services, the service user must meet the following
1. Applicants must be lonely and isolated
2. Applicants must be aged 65 or over
3. Applicants who are living in a care home can be referred only if no family or friends visit
4. Applicants must live in the Glasgow City boundary
Information for Volunteers
Our aim is to provide an enjoyable social experience by giving companionship. We encourage communication on meaningful topics or shared interests, the creation of social connections and peer support, but mostly having some fun and laughter.
The specific tasks for the role are:
● Visiting with your befriendee one hour a week at an agreed time
● Helping befriendee reach the goals they set (e.g. learning a new skill, feeling more connected)
● Engaging with befriendee, providing companionship that will improve their confidence and independence.
● Offering warm companionship, active listening and conversation.
● Providing a measure of practical support by, for example, helping arrange appointments or simply assisting with walking by lending an arm
Personal specification:
● Trustworthy and responsible
● Great communication skills
● Patient
● Resourceful
● Cares about others
Age Groups
Older PeopleRegions
Country: Scotland
Greater Glasgow & ClydeOther Information
Type of Befriending: Face to face befriending which takes place in the home or community
Who can refer: Self Referrals Accepted, Friends & Family Referrals Accepted, Professional Referrals Accepted