Journey Across Befriending Roadshow 2025 – booking now.
This was a topic that I felt I really needed knowledge and support with as it is a big issue in the service I work for. All of the content was my favourite and the opportunity to talk to others who work in befriending services is always valuable.
Exploring strategies for referral management, creating capacity growth and appropriate endings, this course is created to assist befriending projects to implement a strong system that is both making the most of their ability while recognising the pressures and responsibility involved.
All attendees will gain access to our course delegate pack. This contains a range of good practice resources, information on customer relation management software, an organisational capacity survey and more. All participants will be invited to attend a free 1:1 consultation post-event to discuss ideas for improving capacity or managing the waiting list of their project.
All participants of Vital Skills have the opportunity to earn a certificate of attendance by completing the summative assessment to evidence their learning on the course.
Not sure if this course is right for you? Want to ask questions? Contact the course facilitator via email at
This event is facilitated by
Learning & Development Manager
Cancellation Policy:Â We understand that circumstances may require a change of training dates. We allow you to defer once when we are given notice of at least 48 hours, after that it is seen as a non-refundable cancellation. Please check your diary before committing to any dates. If you must defer your space due to unforeseen circumstances, requests must be made before the class starts to be considered. You can contact the facilitator of your event, or to discuss your booking.
Accessibility: All Zoom events have live closed captions available. Please notify our Learning and Development manager,, if you have accessibility requirements to help us be inclusive of your needs.Â
8 tickets available
Co-hosted with Community Together CIC, a Quality in Befriending Excellence Award holder.
How do you meaningfully thank and recognise your volunteers?
Join this online event to develop your knowledge and understanding in Bereavement, the variety of experiences of bereavement, and the method of responding and supporting those experiences. Bereavement is different for everyone. This course and resources are designed to build your confidence in understanding and supporting others through a difficult time - as well as better understanding your own relationship with loss.
Join us on a journey across the world of befriending with our 2025 roadshow.
Chat and meet with projects across the UK and the rest of the world at an alternative time.
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