Journey Across Befriending Roadshow 2025 – booking now.
There wasn’t anything that I felt was unnecessary or not useful and the way the content was delivered was really engaging. The networking was also a bonus, I swapped emails with another delegate who is running a very similar project and we plan to get together soon!
A well-considered matching procedure can support a project to achieve outcomes, retain volunteers, grow a positive reputation, and make a great impact on your community. This course reviews matching techniques, match aims and outcomes, and reviews endings of a match – when they may be beneficial or when they may be necessary.
All attendees will gain access to our Matching and Endings delegate pack. This contains a range of supportive resources such as a match process evidence template, match cease template, guidance for ending a project, as well as members’ examples of good practice. All participants will be invited to submit their matching or endings procedures for a complementary audit with Befriending Networks, who will provide guidance and recommendations for improvement as appropriate.
All participants of Vital Skills have the opportunity to earn a certificate of attendance by completing the summative assessment to evidence their learning on the course.
Not sure if this course is right for you? Want to ask questions? Contact the course facilitator via email at
This event is facilitated by
Learning & Development Manager
Cancellation Policy: We understand that circumstances may require a change of training dates. We allow you to defer once when we are given notice of at least 48 hours, after that it is seen as a non-refundable cancellation. Please check your diary before committing to any dates. If you must defer your space due to unforeseen circumstances, requests must be made before the class starts to be considered. You can contact the facilitator of your event, or to discuss your booking.
Accessibility: All Zoom events have live closed captions available. Please notify our Learning and Development manager,, if you have accessibility requirements to help us be inclusive of your needs.
6 tickets available
Join us on a journey across the world of befriending with our 2025 roadshow.
Chat and meet with projects across the UK and the rest of the world at an alternative time.
By attending Policies and Procedures for Befrienders, participants will discuss good practice for communicating your infrastructure with befrienders and motivating them to actively engage and follow your policies and procedures.
How do you meaningfully thank and recognise your volunteers?
Join this course to learn about evidencing the work of your befriending project to demonstrate impact to stakeholders and funders.
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