Vintage Vibes – Social meetings are a great benefit
3rd June 2022
Vintage Vibes is an award-winning project tackling isolation and loneliness in Edinburgh. The project, a partnership between LifeCare Edinburgh and Space & Broomhouse Hub, started in 2015 as a fresh new way to combat isolation and loneliness among over 60s (called VIPs) in Edinburgh. Vintage Vibes creates long lasting one-to-one friendships offering support, companionship and the opportunity for lonely VIPs to be more socially connected and active in their local community.
Sharing from Vintage Vibes
Vocal Vibes Singing Group
our Vocal Vibes singing group, made up of VIPs (over 60s) and volunteers. Throughout lockdown they continued to meet virtually and even wrote and recorded a song, Tomorrow. They now have hybrid sessions, in person and with an online link for anyone who is facing barriers to attending in person.
Norma and Fiona
Norma is a fantastic VIP within our community, she is in a 1:1 friendship with Fiona but also calls a VIP herself each week as a volunteer, plus she attends our fortnightly Film Group – and is the poster woman for our Christmas campaign! Fiona and Norma have both been involved in Vintage Vibes for many years and meet weekly for adventures.
“I’ve been lucky to have had connection with Jana (a previous volunteer who moved away) and Fiona. Of course it’s super to look forward to a once a week meeting. Lockdown was awful, can’t say more about that, but to phone Grace as well and hear about her large family was a comfort. Social meetings like the pictures, are a great benefit. I think you all do great things for us. I believe organisations like Vintage Vibes have assisted authorities to the plight of the lonely.”
Fun at Easter Lunch
This is a photo of Mary our Friendships Coordinator and members of Vocal Vibes having fun at a recent Easter lunch. It was wonderful to be able to meetup in a large group again post-pandemic, especially as our Christmas lunch was cancelled due to changes in the restrictions.
By: Vintage Vibes
If you’re inspired and would like to get involved please visit:
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