Case Study: Ray of Light Cancer Support
3rd November 2024
Ray of Light Cancer Support Wales has been providing support to patients, carers, friends and families affected by cancer since 2009. Their free, safe, and non-judgmental telephone befriending service is delivered by a dedicated team of compassionate and trained volunteers and team members who understand the challenges faced by those affected by cancer.
Their case study tells the story of John* who is living with lung cancer, and how their service helped him to open up about his struggles and feel less isolated. It is available in Welsh and English.
Grym Galwad Wythnosol
Mae John* yn byw gyda chanser yr ysgyfaint, cyflwr sydd wedi effeithio cryn dipyn ar ei fywyd o ddydd i ddydd. Oherwydd ei salwch, mae John yn cael trafferth anadlu, gan ei gwneud yn anodd iddo adael ei gartref heb gymorth ei ofalwr. Mae’n treulio’r rhan fwyaf o’i ddyddiau dan do, sy’n gallu gwneud iddo deimlo’n unig iawn yn aml.
Yn gynnar yn 2023, cafodd John ei gyflwyno i’n gwasanaeth cyfeillio, a byth ers hynny mae wedi cael galwad ffôn wythnosol gan un o’n cyfeillwyr ymroddedig. Mae’r weithred seml hon wedi gwneud byd o wahaniaeth i’w fywyd.
Mae John nawr yn edrych ymlaen at ei alwad wythnosol, sydd wedi dod yn rhywbeth i edrych ymlaen ato. Mae’n dweud bod yr alwad yn caniatáu iddo siarad yn agored am ei frwydrau, ond nid ei salwch yw’r unig bwnc trafod. Mae ei gyfeilliwr yn cynnig clust i wrando, ac mae’r ddau yn aml yn rhannu hwyl, yn cyfnewid straeon ac yn sgwrsio am fywyd yn gyffredinol. Am yr awr honno, mae John yn gallu tynnu ei feddwl oddi ar yr heriau mae’n eu hwynebu, sydd wedi dod â chysur a rhyddhad mawr iddo.
Yn ôl John:
“Mae cael rhywun i siarad ag ef bob wythnos wedi bod yn achubiaeth i mi. Mae’n llesol i fy iechyd, dwi’n teimlo’n gysylltiedig, yn cael rhannu hwyl, a dwi’n gwybod bod rhywun yn poeni amdana i.”
I John, mae’r galwadau hyn wedi bod yn fwy na sgyrsiau yn unig –maen nhw wedi helpu i leihau ei ymdeimlad o unigedd ac wedi rhoi rhywbeth iddo edrych ymlaen ato bob wythnos. Mae ei gyfeilliwr wedi dod yn gydymaith dibynadwy, gan helpu i godi ei ysbryd, un alwad ar y tro.
Mae’r stori hon yn amlygu pwysigrwydd cysylltiad a chwmnïaeth wrth gefnogi unigolion sy’n wynebu heriau dyddiol oherwydd salwch. Trwy ein gwasanaeth cyfeillio, rydyn ni’n helpu pobl fel John i adennill ymdeimlad o normalrwydd a llawenydd, hyd yn oed mewn cyfnod anodd.
*Sylwer, mae’r enw yn yr astudiaeth achos hon wedi’i newid i ddiogelu preifatrwydd yr unigolyn yn unol â rheoliadau GDPR.
The power of a weekly call
John* is living with lung cancer, a condition that has significantly impacted his day-to-day life. Due to his illness, John experiences severe shortness of breath, making it difficult for him to leave his home without the help of his carer. Most of his days are spent indoors, which can often feel isolating.
In early 2023, John was introduced to the befriending service, and ever since, he has received a weekly phone call from a dedicated befriender. This simple act has made a world of difference to his life.
John now looks forward to his weekly call, which has become a bright spot in his routine. He shares that the call allows him to talk openly about his struggles, but it’s not just about discussing his illness. His befriender offers a listening ear, and they often share a laugh, swapping stories and chatting about life in general. For that hour, John is able to take his mind off the challenges he faces, which has brought him great comfort and relief.
John explains,
“Having someone to talk to each week has been a lifeline for me. It’s not just about my health—it’s about feeling connected, having a laugh, and knowing that someone cares.”
More than just conversations
For John, these calls have been more than just conversations—they’ve helped reduce his sense of isolation and given him something to look forward to every week. His befriender has become a trusted companion, helping to lift his spirits, one call at a time.
This story highlights the importance of connection and companionship in supporting individuals who face daily challenges due to illness. Through their befriending service, Ray of Light Cancer Support Wales are helping people like John regain a sense of normality and joy, even in difficult times.
*Please note, the name in this case study has been changed to protect the individual’s privacy in accordance with GDPR.
Get involved
If you would like to provide a friendly listening ear for patients, carers, friends and families affected by cancer, get in touch with Ray of Light Cancer Support Wales. Visit their directory listing to find out more about the project and how you can start your befriending journey.