Become a member of the largest global network of befriending projects! We provide support, training and accreditation to befriending projects of all sizes worldwide, creating networking opportunities for those in the sector to collaborate, share ideas and voice their experiences.
Before you get started…
Our membership application can take around 20 minutes to complete and you’ll need the following information to hand so we can check your eligibility:
- Primary contact name and email address
- Details of why you want to join Befriending Networks (a maximum of 200 words)
- The figure for your last annual income as per your organisational financial return (this is available on Charities Commission/OSCR/Companies House)
- Charity and/or company number, or an explanation if you don’t have one
- Details of how your organisation is funded (a maximum of 200 words)
What does membership cost?
Costs for membership are kept as low as possible and are determined by your organisation’s income. When you apply for membership, you will be asked to declare your latest annual income to be set against the right membership category. Upon processing we will check your details against the appropriate regulatory body (e.g. OSCR or Charity Commission, Companies House) before approving your membership.
Category: Small
Annual Income: < £100k
Annual Fee (Not-For-Profit)
Annual Fee (For-Profit)
Category: Medium 1
Annual Income: £101K > £350K
Annual Fee (Not-For-Profit)
Annual Fee (For-Profit)
Category: Medium 2
Annual Income: £351K > £750K
Annual Fee (Not-For-Profit)
Annual Fee (For-Profit)
Category: Large
Annual Income: £751K+
Annual Fee (Not-For-Profit)
Annual Fee (For-Profit)