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Befriending Networks support and connect befriending services across the globe, providing sector-specific training, events, resources and awards that support quality in befriending. Our three core values are to be supportive, collaborative and sector-leading. This policy aims to be supportive of organisations who are experiencing financial hardship as we recognise the financial challenges facing the befriending sector.  The policy also recognises the financial sustainability of our charity and the need to generate a proportion of our income from membership fees.  Additionally, this policy will address historic arrangements where arbitrary discounts were applied to membership fees, often over multiple years. Implementation of a transparent Membership Fee and Fee Reduction Policy provides clarity, transparency and fairness for all.

Our membership fee and structure have remained unchanged since at least 2018. Our membership fees are graded and based on the whole organisation’s annual turnover.  This information is verified on the appropriate public record: Charity Commission, OSCR, Companies House or on the presentation of annual accounts. We will always take the turnover of your whole organisation, even if your befriending service project is running on a smaller budget.

Membership CategoryAnnual TurnoverAnnual Fee Not-for-Profit (2024/25)Annual Fee Profit/Private (2024/25)
Small£1 to £100,999£75£100
Medium 1£101,000-£350,999£110£150
Medium 2£351,000 – £750,999£150£180
Large / Public SectorMore than £751,000£190£225

The membership period is 12 months. For new members, the membership year begins on the date we receive payment. For renewing members, the membership year begins on the date we receive your renewal order or the anniversary of your previous membership whichever is the later date.

Membership Eligibility

Befriending Networks membership is available to the following organisations, located anywhere in the world:

  • Not for Profit Organisations (including charities, community interest companies, constituted groups, and companies limited by guarantee, and trusts)
  • Public Sector Organisations (local authorities, health boards, governmental agencies)
  • Housing associations (registered social landlords)
  • Educational establishments (colleges, universities, schools)
  • For Profit Organisations (private limited companies, companies limited by share capital)

Organisations applying to join our network should reflect one or more of the following characteristics:

  • Running a befriending service
  • Setting up a befriending service
  • Support the infrastructure of befriending
  • Have a legitimate interest in befriending through research, policy, funding, or public health

The current benefits of membership and the services available are included on our website.

Our membership fee offers outstanding value for money to our members, and income generated from membership fees is invested into our Membership Services team who provide direct delivery, services and support to our networks on a 1:1 and group basis. We encourage all members to pay full membership fees.

We want to support and include as many befriending services as possible within our network. Recent insights have shown a downturn in income for some befriending projects and projects being unable to afford membership fees. This policy provides a clear, transparent and fair process to empower our staff to offer a fee reduction to renewing or new members facing financial hardship with fairness and consistency across the membership.

The concession is balanced with the need to sustain our finances as an infrastructure organisation and as a small charity. In recent years we have noted the closure of infrastructure organisations and a challenging landscape for funding for services which do not have direct beneficiaries in communities. Income from membership fees is significant to the survival of charities like Befriending Networks.

A Fee Reduction may be requested in the circumstances set out below.  Reductions can only be made to move down one tier of membership e.g. from Large to Medium 2, or Medium 1 to Small. Those who are Small can request 30% reduction on their fee to pay £52.50.

  • First year of operating a befriending service
  • Service is operating with no income and no employee
  • Significant loss or reduction in funding for the befriending service from one or more grant funders/commissioners

Members are required to provide supporting information for the request for a fee reduction.  This can include grant award letters, the outcome of funding applications, year-to-year comparison of grant awards/commissions, year-to-year comparison of organisational accounts, media or other coverage illustrating financial difficulties within the organisation.

  • For-profit organisations will not be eligible for a reduction in fees.
  • Organisations with an income over £1million
  • Public Sector (health boards, local authorities, PCN)
  • Housing Associations
  • International organisations (those outside of the United Kingdom and Ireland)

For existing members, reductions should be requested before the annual renewal date. Our 6-month and 10-month check-in calls to members provide an opportunity to discuss funding and sustainability. At 10 months into membership, we will check and record your income level using public records such as OSCR, Charity Commission or Companies House. For new members, reductions should be requested at the earliest opportunity in their engagement with our Membership Services Officers.

Organisations will read this policy to check eligibility; eligible organisations can make the request by email to along with any evidence. Once the request is received it will be presented to the CEO for review, consideration and decision. Once a decision has been made we will inform you of the outcome by email. If you wish to appeal the decision this can be done via a delegated representation from our board of trustees, during which time your membership will be cancelled if the expiry date has been reached. If your request is unsuccessful you can re-apply for a reduction after 12 months

  • Reductions will only be applied for 1 membership year. In subsequent years your organisation will be set to pay the full membership fee for your income/membership type.
  • You must wait 2 membership years before making a subsequent request for a fee reduction.
  • Reductions can only be made to move down 1 tier of membership e.g. from Large to Medium 2, or Medium 1 to Small.
  • Those who are Small can request 30% reduction on their fee.

Upcoming Changes for 2025/26

We set out in Objective 2 of our Strategic Plan 2024-29 that we would redevelop our membership criteria and exclusive membership benefits. Effective from 1st April 2025 there will be changes to the current membership structure. The first phase of the introduction of this development will be:

– For-profit/Private organisations will pay a flat rate membership fee (amount tbc). 
– International (excluding UK and Ireland) organisations will pay a flat fee (amount tbc).
– A new membership category of “Micro” will be introduced for not-for-profits with a total organisational income of less than £20,000.
– A small percentage increase on all membership fees – the first increase in at least 7 years – will be applied as memberships are renewed throughout 2025/26.

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