Journey Across Befriending Roadshow 2025 – booking now.

Befriending Directory

Searching for a befriender, thinking of volunteering, or wishing to connect with other befriending organisations? Our Befriending Directory is here to help you find a befriending service that meets your requirements. Our members offer a range of befriending services, including in-person, telephone and online befriending to local or national communities.

Whilst we encourage our members to keep their Directory listing up to date, we aren’t responsible for the accuracy of the information listed or the services provided by those in our Directory.

Want to be included in our Befriending Directory? Become a Befriending Networks member and enjoy a range of benefits.

13 Rivers Trust

  • Eden Care UK

We currently provide Befriending services to individuals reaching End of Life and those who are terminally ill, with a particular focus on BAME community. That said, we support anyone who...

A Listening Ear

    A Listening Ear offers one-to-one befriending by telephone, online, and (where possible) at physical meetings in public settings such as local cafes. As one of our Phone Friends, we'd match...

    Aberlour – Scotland’s Children’s Charity

      Our purpose Aberlour Children’s Charity helps disadvantaged children and families in Scotland have a brighter future. Our Vision Not all children are born with an equal chance.  We will work...

      Acacia Path

        As Acacia Path, we we have teams in Belfast on the North Coast but serve in various locations.  We welcome newcomers wholeheartedly in the name of Jesus.  We strive to...

        Action for Pulmonary Fibrosis

          Our telephone befrienders are trained volunteers who can give a listening ear by phone to anyone with Pulmonary Fibrosis (PF) carers and family members over 18.  The volunteers are a...

          Action in Mind (AiM)

            Action in Mind is the leading local mental health charity predominantly working across the Stirling Council area, supporting better mental health for everyone.We provide person-centred, outcome focused services for people...

            Age Concern Mole Valley

              The Age Concern Mole Valley Befriending service is for older people who are lonely and socially isolated. A Volunteer Befriender will visit to provide companionship on a regular basis. The...

              Age Connects Cardiff & Vale

                Do you need some extra support now and again to help stay independent and living in your own home?  If you don't have family or friends who can help, our...

                Age Cymru

                • Friend in Need

                Age Cymru has a telephone friendship call service called Friend In Need which aims to help tackle loneliness and isolation amongst the over 70s as a result of social distancing,...

                Age Cymru Powys – updated

                  Alleviating loneliness by providing valuable support service for older, disabled, housebound and isolated people living in Powys. Tackling isolation so no one is left coping alone, to improve wellbeing and...

                  Age UK (national)

                    • National
                    The Age UK Telephone Friendship service matches older isolated people to volunteers with mutual interests for a weekly 30 minute call, to help combat loneliness and social isolation.

                    Age UK Barnet

                      Telephone Home visiting and digital inclusion service for Barnet residents over 55 who feel socially isolated. Works with other local charities to develop capacity.

                      Age UK Camden

                        Dementia Befriending  - If you're an older person with memory issues or dementia, living on your own with little or no family & friends and have no contact with other...

                        Age UK Cheshire

                          Sharing Time is a telephone befriending project supporting people across the whole of Cheshire. The project matches people over 50 who may not get the opportunity for a regular friendly...

                          Age UK Croydon

                          • Befriending Program

                          Age UK Croydon's primary mission is to enhance the health, wellbeing, and independence of older people residing in Croydon. The organisation offers a range of services, including social activities, health and...

                          Age UK Hammersmith & Fulham

                            We match older people with a befriender that either visits at least once per we in person or makes a call to have a chat. Sometimes this can involve going...

                            Age UK Hull

                              The Befriending service aims to reduce loneliness for people aged 50 or over, by providing regular contact at a time which is convenient to the person. Telephone Befriending Service The...

                              Age UK Islington

                                The Befriending Service is for anyone over 50 living in Islington who is experiencing social isolation and loneliness.  The service matches these people with a volunteer befriender who can offer...

                                Age UK Leicester Shire and Rutland

                                  Our Befriending service offers companionship and support to older people who are lonely or isolated.  This includes telephone calls, home visits and support to engage with social groups.Befriending support is...

                                  Age UK Lincoln and South Lincolnshire

                                    The Befriending Service is for people who feel lonely and isolated, especially due to frailty and or physical impairments that prevents them from leaving their homes to enjoy companionship. As...

                                    Age UK Lindsey

                                      Our Befriending Service is for anyone over the age of 50 living in East or West Lindsey and North Lincolnshire who suffers from loneliness isolation and would like more social...

                                      Age UK Merton

                                        Merton Befriending Service is a collaboration with Wimbledon Guild in Merton working together to deliver a high quality befriending service for isolated older people. We offer a free face to...

                                        Age UK North Tyneside

                                        • Befriending

                                        Our Befriending service offers vital emotional support to vulnerable or isolated adults over 50. Customers can access the service through self-referral, or by a family member or professional by completing...

                                        Age UK North Yorkshire Coast & Moors

                                          We offer a befriending service to help combat loneliness for people who are feeling lonely and isolated.  We have a befriending coordinator who will match a volunteer to a client,...

                                          Age UK Norwich

                                            As a local and independent charity, we focus on the issues that impact the over 50s in our community and we are committed to making Norwich an Age Friendly City. ...

                                            Age UK Solihull

                                            • Linking People Together

                                            Our Linking People Together service supports older people who are lonely and isolated to maintain social interaction, remain vital members of their local communities and aims to support clients to...

                                            Age UK South Gloucestershire

                                              Age UK South Gloucestershire's Befriending Service is for anyone in the county who is aged 50+ and who feel lonely or socially isolated and struggles to leave their home. What...

                                              Age UK Waltham Forest

                                              • Just Connect Befriending Service

                                              If you are a Waltham Forest resident aged 60+, live alone and are feeling lonely, or you have lost confidence in going out and about, this service may be for...

                                              Age UK Westminster

                                              • Visiting Befriending & Telephone Befriending

                                              Our befriending service provides friendship and support for older people in the community to ensure they do not become lonely or socially isolated. Age UK Westminster can help you, or...

                                              Alcohol & Drugs Action

                                                If you or someone in your family has problems with substance misuse then you can receive a phone call and/or face to face meetings with a trained volunteer to help...

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