Case study: Voluntary Support North Surrey
2nd November 2024
Voluntary Support North Surrey operate their Time to Talk Befriending Service. As a service they have been operating for nearly 6 years and are very proud to say they have up to 50 volunteers that are matched with someone who is isolated and/or lonely in the Surrey Heath Area. The project works to tackle the loneliness epidemic and put a smile on people’s faces.
Their case study tells the story of Karen and Joyce and the difference that 1:1 and group befriending can make.
Pure delight
Karen has been visiting Joyce for only four months and they have struck up an amazing friendship so quickly and their time spent together is priceless. They will either stay in and chat or they will go out for coffee. Karen says:
We are making our way round the local coffee shops, enjoying a latte or two!
Joyce looks forward to Karen’s visits every week and Karen has said ‘Joyce is a pure delight!’
Part of a community
Time to Talk have also organised ‘Coffee and Chat’ mornings at their local golf club, during the summer months. This is for volunteers to bring along their befriendees, giving them the opportunity to get out and into the community. It is nice for both volunteers and befriendees to meet, build friendships and for them to know that they are part a bigger network, all supporting the same thing.
Befrienders are priceless
Karen, the manager of the service, is always grateful for their befrienders:
Charities such as Time to Talk can only operate with the amazing support and help from volunteers, to whom we are forever grateful. Our wonderful befrienders are priceless!
Get involved
Voluntary Support North Surrey are always looking for more volunteer befriender. If you want to be part of the befriending team and put a smile on someone’s face, find out more in the Befriending Networks directory.