100 Days until Befriending Week 1-7 November 2022
24th July 2022
It’s 100 Day until Befriending Week 1-7 November 2022, a time to celebrate #BefriendingWeek – Creating Connections, Celebrating 10 Years and raise awareness about everything #BefriendingIs!
2022 is even more special as we celebrate 10 years of Befriending Week!
It is inspiring to see how befriending is helping our communities to create connections and overcome various challenges. In addition, all these are not possible without the contribution of befrienders. Here are our Befriending statistics for the year to June 2022,
Visit our Befriending Week 2022 page for our Resources Pack assisting you to prepare for celebration and to thank all befrienders, including to amplify your voice (such as Hints & Tips for Writing a Press Release), guide to share your message (such as Sharing Befriending Case Studies Guide), tips to spread your word on social media (as well as various graphics, videos, and statistics), and also to plan your celebrations (ideas, bunting, and certificates)!