Journey Across Befriending Roadshow 2025 – booking now.

What’s involved in the Quality Award?

The Quality Award is an opportunity to review all aspects of your befriending service. The Award is structured into 7 domains, each domain containing a number of indicators. We will ask you to provide evidence that your service meets all 60 of the required Quality Award indicators.
We will ask you to –

  • Upload evidence of your service’s policies and procedures
  • Show us evidence of practice at your site visit
  • Let us hear about people’s experiences of your service through two case studies (Full Award only) and five interviews

To be awarded Quality in Befriending Excellence, your organisation will need to evidence an additional 23 indicators.

Assessment Structure

Domains 1 – 4 (Service Framework)

Evidence of policies and procedures is uploaded ahead of time to our assessment platform.

Domains 5 – 7 (Befriending Practice)

Evidence of practice is presented during site visit

Indicators 36-42

Befriendee Journey

Indicators 43-53

Befriender Journey

indicators 54-60

Matching and Endings

What support is available?

Befriending Networks will assign your organisation an assessor, they will be alongside you throughout the assessment process. You can expect:  

  • To meet your assessor at the beginning of the process to make a connection, share insight about your befriending service, and then plan and discuss the timeline for your assessment.  
  • Timely response by email or by phone from your assessor, as well as signposting to our training, networking events, and membership services team.  
  • Ongoing feedback about evidence you have submitted via our evidence portal or by email or telephone.  
  • Guidance and resources to help you provide evidence and complete any development work required to meet the indicators over the course of the assessment period. 
  • A final report which shares the outcome of your assessment and the gives recommendations for continuous service improvement.  

Download our Information Booklet

If you want to find out more about the Quality Awards and how we assess organisations, check out our Information Booklet.

Explore our Resources

Looking for more information on what makes a quality befriending service? Visit our Resources section to explore.


You have 6 months to complete the assessment. Your assessment starts when you receive your login details for Moodle (our online assessment portal).

Months 1 and 2

Upload evidence for the first 35 Quality Indicators to our online portal

Month 3

Interviews with two befriendees, two volunteers/befrienders, and one staff member

Month 4

Prepare and submit case studies (Full Award only). Prepare evidence for the site visit

Months 5 and 6

Remaining 25 indicators assessed at site visit (online or in person).
Final report


What if we require an extension?  

Speak to your assessor at the earliest opportunity. Extensions can be granted if extenuating circumstances delay the assessment process. Extensions are at the discretion of Befriending Networks and it may incur additional fees.

Can we get a refund if we do not achieve the Quality in Befriending Award by the agreed completion date?

No, the assessment fees are non-refundable.

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