About Us
We are the network for befriending organisations. Established as a charity in 1994, we have thirty years of experience in supporting and connecting befriending services.
Our members form the largest network of befriending services in the world.
We provide access to sector-specific training, events, resources, and awards which support quality in befriending. Each year we coordinate Befriending Week from the 1st – 7th November.
Our vision is of a society where quality befriending support is available to everyone who needs it, and the importance of meaningful connection is recognised.
Our Values
We are supportive
We are well informed and share our expertise, knowledge and insight. We value learning and consider different perspectives, reflecting our members’ experiences and needs. We listen and understand.
We are collaborative.
We connect with people. We care and are approachable. We are respectful to each other, our members and other organisations. We are effective and efficient.
We are sector-leading.
We are resourceful, adaptable and innovative. We lead a valuable network which gathers, amplifies and represents the voice of befriending at all levels.
Our Mission
As the network for befriending organisations, we’re the intermediary between our members, supporters and stakeholders. We work collaboratively and inclusively to connect and strengthen the befriending sector.
We support organisations to deliver quality befriending services that promote wellbeing and meaningful connections, ensuring that everyone feels valued.
We further our mission by:
- Maintaining and expanding an effective and connected network of members
- Providing information, resources, training, awards, and consultancy about all aspects of befriending
- Raising the profile and understanding of befriending and its impact
- Coordinating Befriending Week, our annual campaign taking place 1st to 7th November
Strategic Plan
Our Strategic Plan sets out our direction for the next five years. You can download our 2024-2029 Strategic Plan as a PDF or as an accessible plain-text version below.
Partners & Supporters
Our work wouldn’t be possible without the support of our funding partners.
We’re members of