Our impact
We’re proud to be making a difference across the befriending sector, advocating for and raising awareness of the positive impact that befriending has on individuals and communities.
In the past year…
We welcomed organisations to our network
We facilitated training sessions, attended by 363 people
We facilitated networking events attended by 506 people
We facilitated Leaders and Managers Networks attended by 290 people
We hosted research events and 1 conference, attended by 323 people
organisations achieved the Quality in Befriending Award
organisations achieved the Quality in Befriending Excellence Award
organisations retained Quality in Befriending accreditation
We published resources, downloaded 38,671 times – that’s an average of 655 downloads per resource!
Our Befriending Week campaign was supported by partners and 2 Members of Scottish Parliament, and a parliamentary motion was passed in Scottish Parliament
Hear what our members have to say…
Membership of Befriending Networks assists greatly in widening our connections and increasing our impact.
Befriending Networks has been an incredible source of support and information.
As a coordinator, I would have been lost without the vital support Befriending Networks has given.
Amazing support available from Befriending Networks. I can’t recommend highly enough if you’re a small charity.
As someone who is in the early stages of going public with a befriending project, it’s really helpful to hear from projects that have been established for a long time.
The networking sessions are just one of the invaluable resources empowering organisations delivering vital befriending services nationwide.
Read our Membership Survey
Every year, we conduct a survey to capture members’ views on our services, our strategic objectives, and our future direction. Read our Membership Survey below.