Age UK North Tyneside – Podcast: #BefriendingIs helping to pursue a new direction in life
26th September 2021
The Age UK North Tyneside Group was established in 1972 as a registered charity, became a Company Limited by Guarantee in 1987 and is a Brand Partner of the Age UK national Charity (i.e. a Brand Partner is a number of independent Charities which share the same name, values and standards). The organisation has grown to become the largest local voluntary organisation in the borough, with a turnover of circa. £5.5m, 250+ staff and 135+ volunteers providing a wide range of services in response to the local situation and needs of older people in North Tyneside.
A special Befriending podcast from Age UK North Tyneside, with Beverley Swan, Befriending Coordinator, and Carole MacMurtrie, Telephone Befriending Coordinator to share their views on what #BefriendingIs!
By: Age UK North Tyneside
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