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b:Friend – Von: #BefriendingIs like family!

Since inception, b:Friend has created, delivered and evaluated thousands of hours of community social group activity in Doncaster. b:Friend has an effective blueprint for social groups for older adults focusing on venue, budgeting, marketing to the most isolated individuals and session planning methodology over (usually) a 48-week year. Loneliness exists and we’d like to help end it.


Sarah signed up to volunteer as a befriender in March 2020 as we entered the first lockdown as she wanted to do something to help people in her community. Von had been referred to b:friend by the housing manager of the accommodation she lives in as she was unable to get out much and she spent large periods of time alone, which became even more as the lockdown was introduced.

Sarah arranged to call Von to introduce herself and have a chat. Their first call went really well and they arrange to speak again the following week. They then continued to speak to one another several times a week for the next few months As restrictions eased over the summer they were able to meet in person, outdoors. The first of many!

Sarah and Von’s pairing has developed into an organic friendship, so much so that Sarah no longer considers herself a volunteer as they are now simply just friends. Sarah and Von are looking forward to celebrating Von’s birthday this year with an afternoon tea.

Volunteer Impact: Sarah informed me that shortly after meeting Von her relationship with her partner broke down and she found her herself in the position of being single, working Mum. Sarah credits Von with helping her get through this tough time as Von had been through a similar experience and understood what she was going through.

Older Neighbour Impact: Von said that it was lovely having Sarah through the lockdowns. They not only spoke to one another on the phone but would send text messages which made Von feel more connected. Von was surprised that they had in things in common considering their large age gap. When Von was admitted to hospital for a short stay she asked her son to give Sarah a call and let her know where she was as she didn’t want her to worry.


By: b:Friend

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