Beatson Blether: A Great Success!
9th October 2023
Befriending Networks members, Beatson Cancer Charity, recently hosted their 3rd Befriending Blether, this time in Paisley. Beatson Cancer Charity is supported by Zurich, who not only donated £500 to the day but also offered volunteer support for the event.
Held in the former St Luke’s Church on Neilston Road, the Beatson Cancer Charity volunteer team invited their clients, partners and befriending volunteers to attend. As a telephone service, the Befriending Blether provided Beatson Cancer Charity with a chance to bring clients and befrienders together within a safe, secure environment.
The event was kicked off with a general knowledge quiz, which was won by our service user, Pat. Attendees then enjoyed coffee, sandwiches and cake, followed by a game of bingo, won by our volunteer Iain, and service users Helen and Izzy.
The Beatson Cancer Charity volunteer team told us that it was heartwarming to see their clients chatting amongst themselves and building new friendships, with contact details exchanged so that they could stay in touch in the future. They said:
‘These days are really important as they can be used as an extra level of support to our clients, many of whom may feel isolated. Whilst the telephone calls offer so much, a face-to-face blether cannot be beaten.’
The team of staff, volunteers and clients at Beatson Cancer Charity are already looking forward to their next in-person Blether. This is what their clients had to say about the service and the Befriending Blether:
‘The Befriending Service has more than helped me cope with the ups and downs, it has helped me feel a lot less isolated, fearsome and at times even angry and awash with emotions.’
‘It helps me meet other people, as we are all in the same boat.’
‘It is a great service to speak to someone and let it all out.’
‘A blessing for cancer patients. The team are amazing.’
‘It is the only adults I speak to. My Befriender Alexis is excellent’.
Find out more about Beatson Cancer Charity and the work they do here.