Befriending Week – 1-7 November 2024 – click here for more information.

Befriend a Child – #BefriendingIs varied and exciting

During #BefriendingWeek, let’s hear what #BefriendingIs from Befriend a Child:


Brenda joined Befriend a Child in February 2006 and was matched with a young girl called Zoe. Zoe came from a chaotic family and enjoyed her one to one time spent with Brenda away from the family home. They enjoyed various amounts of activities and new experiences such as eating out, going to the park, visiting the beach, and coming along to group activities within Befriend a Child. Over the years, Zoe’s confidence grew and their friendship flourished. After 10 years together and Zoe becoming 16 years old the relationship came to a natural ending which was agreed by both.

Brenda then decided she wanted to be rematched with another child and soon she and Debbie were firm friends. They did lots of activities together, tubing, cinema, visiting the forest and attending the larger social events arranged by Befriend a Child like the Halloween and Christmas parties. Once again Brenda and Debbie had a fantastic relationship and Debbie’s self-esteem and confidence improved and Brenda herself was also having a great time going out every two weeks with Debbie. After 6 years together Debbie’s family unfortunately decided to move out of Aberdeen to a new home in the country so the relationship came to an end.

The Co-ordinator involved asked Brenda if she would like to be rematched again and said she would understand if she did not as Brenda was now in her seventies and had grandchildren of her own and had other commitments and she had been with the Organisation for over 16 years.

Brenda came back and informed her that she was happy to continue and that she had been with Befriend a Child too long just to walk away cold turkey!!!

Brenda is having a short break at the moment but will be rematched with her third child soon. She has however pointed out an older child would be a better match for her.


By: Befriend a Child

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