Befriending Week – 1-7 November 2024 – click here for more information.

Befrienders Highland – #BefriendingIs getting as much out of being a befriender than those I’ve befriended!

Befrienders Highland is a registered charity with a vision of a world where we all use our natural capacity for friendship to break down barriers which isolate and limit us. Their Mission is to make befriending an indispensable and growing part of health care in the Highlands, supporting and improving mental wellbeing through: 1) providing and developing a range of befriending services, and 2) raising awareness of the power of supported friendships.
The difference Befriending can make

Amanda is a mental health befriender for 15 years,

” I’ve Befriended lots of different people over the years and remember every one. 

Some friendships have been easier than others but in them all I have loved finding out about the person and feeling like you are there for someone.

The best part is when you almost forget you are making a call to someone you Befriend and it just feels like you are phoning any other friend.

I get as much out of being a befriender than those I’ve befriended. You feel great for making a difference and each friendship is unique. It’s given me confidence and I’ve learnt all sorts from the people I befriend.

The lady I currently befriend is giving me advice about plants in my garden. Tonight I’ve repotted a plant that is struggling using different soil and the advice my friend gave me.”


By Befrienders Highland

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