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#BefriendingIs Supporting Wellbeing through Health in Mind Re:discover, Midlothian

Health in Mind volunteers have supported people in many innovative ways to stay connected and to focus on wellbeing during these unprecedented times. Lisa Hodkinson, Support and Development Worker, Re:discover, Health in Mind, reflects on the amazing efforts of volunteers over the past few months.

“Since March, befriending volunteers at Health in Mind have been supporting people over the telephone or via Zoom – which has fast become a valued and familiar tool that we some of us had never heard of before! Our matches have taken part in online exercise classes together recognising the importance of staying active, been on virtual tours of art galleries and museums to foster and develop interests in history and the arts and to keep learning during this time.  

We have laughed together and shared sadness about the world around us. We have reflected on what we are missing and what we have gained. We have read novels and reflected on them together. We have encouraged each other to notice the views from our windows, the birds, the plants. We have attempted to learn new languages together (with varied successes).  

We have supported people in many innovative ways to stay connected and to focus on wellbeing during these unprecedented times.  Whilst we could never have anticipated the last few months, we feel proud about how quickly our volunteers and those using our befriending services have adapted to new ways of interacting, proactively trying new things to support positive mental health and wellbeing. Whilst matches look forward to being able to meet in person again, we won’t forget the good things that have come out of this time.” 

By: Lisa Hodkinson, Support and Development Worker, Re:discover, Health in Mind


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