Befriending Networks – How could you support Davie as a befriender?
13th June 2022
During Loneliness Awareness Week 2022, let’s watch “Davie Grey A short story” written by our Learning & Development Officer, Victoria. Taking some of the many stories we have learned over the years from befriending projects and their volunteers’ anecdotes, this video represents just one circumstance of loneliness a service user of befriending may be experiencing: the bereavement of a partner.
This video can be used for use in Volunteer Training if applicable. After showing the video, why not ask volunteers questions like:
1. How could you support Davie as a befriender?
2. Would you feel comfortable talking to David about his wife, Isla? How would you go about this?
By Victoria, our Learning & Development Officer
If you’re inspired and would like to get involved please visit:
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