#Befriendingis Making a Huge Difference through Passing the Baton
21st October 2020
Bethany Christian Trust’s Passing the Baton is a befriending service supporting vulnerable people in our community who are both at risk of, or have experienced, homelessness. The service provides those facing loneliness and isolation with meaningful friendship, support and kindness. Bethany believes that befriending has a huge impact on how well people move on from temporary accommodation and into their own tenancy.
Through their Passing the Baton befriending service, trained volunteers stop the revolving door of homelessness by being at work in communities to help people settle in their local area and make connections to activities, organisations and key people in their community.
Watch Carol and Sandra as they tell their story.
Learn More: https://www.bethanychristiantrust.com/services/homelessness-prevention/