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#Befriendingis Sharing a language in Motherwell

Isa was referred to Befriend Motherwell.  She lives in a high-rise flat and over recent years hasn’t felt safe in her accommodation and has become more and more isolated as a result.  She has family who live nearby and support her well, but she felt disconnected from friendships and the community.  Isa was originally from Gibraltar where she was raised speaking Spanish.  Until a year ago she spoke regularly with her friend, who still lived in Gibraltar, using Spanish.  Sadly her friend passed away and Isa has really missed being able to speak Spanish to someone. 

Along came Jess, one of Befriend Motherwell’s volunteer befrienders.  Jess, who is originally from Panama and a Spanish speaker, was delighted to start offering Isa support through Befriending.  From their initial meeting it was a delight to see Isa’s face light up when she was able to start speaking in Spanish again and engage in conversation with someone.  She has started to feel less isolated and more connected with her community. 

Unfortunately, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, face to face befriending hasn’t been possible for Isa and Jess, however they remain in contact regularly and Isa is soon moving into sheltered housing where she will, when she’s able to, connect with a new community with the support of Jess who is already known to the complex as she also volunteers within one of Befriend Motherwell’s befriending groups within the building.

#Befriendingis communicating in different languages.

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