CACE – #befriendingIs good for your own well-being
21st October 2022
During #BefriendingWeek, let’s hear what #BefriendingIs from CACE:
Jenny 1996 to Present.
Celebrating 26 years of befriending at CACE
Jenny joined CACE at age 62 years following her retirement from a long career as a Training Instructor with Lyle Carpets.
After seeing an advert in the local paper for volunteers she applied and was interviewed by CACE’s founder Annie Miller.
In 1996 Jenny agreed to become a volunteer helping at Day Service groups by catering for the Group Lead and Service Users. She also befriended some of the service users in their own homes and would take one lady out for her lunch every Monday. Sadly, some of the original members have passed away over the years, but Jenny aged 88 years is still volunteering her services to us and is currently befriending another lady of a similar age.
Jenny has said that she has been fortunate all through her life, having a good family and good health and for this reason she chooses to volunteer to ‘give something back’. She enjoys her face-to-face befriending as she sees what a difference it makes to her befriendee’s spirits. They laugh and chat and this also impacts on her own well-being as it makes her feel good about helping others. She finds meeting new people interesting and likes to hear about their life experiences. Jenny still drives and travels around 8 miles to see her latest befriendee. I am sure you will agree she is a remarkable lady and a credit to CACE and her family.
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