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CACE – #BefriendingIs making a difference no matter how small

During #BefriendingWeek, let’s hear what #BefriendingIs from CACE:

10 QUOTES from our Befriending Service

·      ‘Your match making skills are perfect, couldn’t ask for a better Befriender.  I feel so much better knowing she visits me today’.

·      ‘I have even managed a walk to the pharmacy with my befriender, I feel less anxious when she is with me.  Looking forward to a visit to a garden centre too’.

·      ‘CACE have been wonderful and the only ones to carry through on what they said they could offer.  Thank you so much for care and support’.

·      You do fabulous work I just love to hear from the young girls, they remind me of my Granddaughter in Italy and when she was that age.

·      I can’t believe those young students took time during their summer holidays to phone an old man like myself.  They are just fabulous. 

·      I love when my husband’s befriender comes to do his weekly visit, this allows me to pop out to the shops or go and get my hair done, it’s nice having some ‘me’ time. R is chattier and more animated during his visits and thoroughly enjoys his company.

·      I am over the moon with my new befriender you couldn’t have found me a better match, she is a lovely lady, and I am really pleased. 

·      My befriendee is naturally a very positive person but I do think from the way she speaks to me she enjoys my company, and she has made it very clear to me how much she looks forward to our visits.

·      “We volunteer because we want to make a difference no matter how small”!  We love volunteering because it gives us a new insight and perspective on how other people live and pushes us outside our comfort zone.              

·      “I feel so selfish because I get so much back from my befriendee.  She has filled a gap in my life after losing my grandparents”. 


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