Journey Across Befriending Roadshow 2025 – booking now.

Get Ready for Befriending Week 2023!

2023 marks 11 years of Befriending Week and we hope this year’s campaign will be bigger and better than ever. As always, we’ve taken onboard the feedback of our members to create a campaign that best supports the sector, with the overarching theme of Befriending Week this year being Befriending is Support.

At Befriending Networks, we interpret this theme at three levels:

1.      The support provided by befrienders to befriendees.

2.      The support befrienders receive from organisations.

3.      The support our network creates for the sector.

Weaving through this is the proud role that Befriending Networks takes in bringing members and supporters together to advance our vision of a society that values befriending, recognises its importance, and provides befriending support to everyone who needs it.

We’re inviting our members and beyond to get involved in Befriending Week 2023 by hosting celebrations, sharing case studies, raising awareness, supporting via social media, and attending our Befriending Week events. This week we launched our Befriending Week Members and Supporters Guide, countdown assets and a range of resources to help you get started in planning your contribution.

Don’t forget to follow us on social media for the latest Befriending Week news and updates, as well as keeping an eye on our website for everything you need to know about this year’s campaign.

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