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Interest Link Borders – Befriending is a strong, supportive relationship

Interest Link Borders were founded by carers in Berwickshire in 1990, and cover the Scottish Borders through four local Branches and a Project Office. We offer 1:1 befriending, group befriending, overnight trips, in-school groups and (since March 2020) a distance service.


Jake and Sam

Sam is 14 years old, has a learning disability and is hyperactive, tends to over-react to situations, and struggles to stay calm.  He needs lots of reassurance. He was a member of our Children’s Group before lockdown, and had formed good friendships, particularly with peer mentor Jake.

Sam has found it very difficult to cope with Covid restrictions.  He’s worried incessantly about what might happen.  His mother reported that he had been anxious, frustrated, angry and at times, very low.  In January I asked Jake to be a Zoom Buddy for Sam, and they meet on a weekly basis.  During their chat Sam and Jake talk about all sorts of things – hobbies, sport, school, Covid restrictions, and other world issues.  They also, importantly, discuss how Sam is coping.  Jake has formed a strong, supportive relationship with Sam.  He is calm and reassuring and deals with whatever subject comes up in a friendly, interested way.  They also laugh a lot.  After each Zoom chat, Sam is smiling widely, is much calmer and says how much he enjoyed it.

Sam’s mum says how very appreciative she and her husband are of this support.  It makes a massive difference to them to know that Sam is able to share his concerns and feelings with another young person who is a great role model and who understands him; and how beneficial these chats are for her son.  Much the stress has lifted from Sam’s mum.  Once restrictions have eased further, hopefully a 1:1 link can be setup for Sam and Jake so they can meet up and enjoy activities together.


By: Interest Link Borders

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