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Masterclasses: Meet the Speakers!

In November 2023, we asked our members in which areas they felt they needed the most support. 31% responded that funding and financial security were their biggest concerns and, as a result, we’re offering two free virtual events on funding.

Exclusive to members of Befriending Networks, the Masterclass events are designed to allow for both learning and networking. We’re thrilled to invite guest speakers to both events, bringing a wealth of knowledge and insight to our members.

Meet the Speakers

Beginners Masterclass

New to bid writing and funding applications? This session is for you! Our Beginners Masterclass will look at how to tailor applications to funders’ objectives and will review the common pitfalls of funding applications with top tips for improvement.

Hayley Cook


Hayley Cook is a Funding Officer at The National Lottery Community Fund and has worked in the grant-giving sector for over 12 years. She has managed small £300 community grants to large, multi-million-pound capital grants. She is also a volunteer for the Commonwealth War Graves Commission.

Hayley will join us as the first speaker at our Beginners Masterclass on funding.

Kerry McFarlane

Kerry McFarlane is a Funding Officer at The Robertson Trust with over 12 years of experience in assessing applications and managing existing grants. She currently coordinates the Trust’s Wee Grants fund, aimed at small, grassroots organisations working at a local level within their communities. She is passionate about supporting smaller, low-capacity organisations and groups. She holds a professional qualification in Financial and Management Accounting, has worked as a volunteer Independent Examiner within the third sector and has experience in fundraising and CRM development, specifically Salesforce.

Kerry will join us as the second speaker at our Beginners Masterclass on funding.

Advanced Masterclass

For those with experience in bid writing and funding applications, our Advanced Masterclass will cover the role of technology in supporting bid writing and application, including the use of AI and Chat GPT. We’ll highlight the available resources and how they can be used to support staff and their capacity.

Ian McLintock

Ian McLintock is the founder of Charity Excellence. He has 25 years of experience at senior management level, including numerous chair and CEO roles. He has also been a volunteer for 45 years. His experience ranges from turning around toxic multi-million-pound charities in serious financial distress to helping to train leadership coaches and facilitate strategic leadership programmes. He holds a Master’s degree in Corporate Management, as well as professional qualifications in Finance and Accounting and Fundraising.

Ian will join our Advanced Masterclass on funding as the guest speaker.

Don’t miss out!

Booking closes at midday on Monday 22nd April. Don’t miss out – book your free place now:

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