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New £5 million Loneliness Fund Opened

£5 Million Loneliness Fund Announced

“The Government has launched a major effort to tackle loneliness during the coronavirus outbreak and period of social distancing.

When launching the plan, Culture Secretary Oliver Dowden said: Coronavirus and social distancing has forced all of us to look loneliness in the eye. So recognising the signs and tackling the stigma has never been more important. We are launching this plan now to help ensure no one needs to feel lonely in the weeks ahead. It will help everyone understand the role they can play in looking after each other, and empower our expert charities and volunteers to reach more vulnerable people.

The plan will aim to ensure that, for people of all ages and backgrounds, staying at home does not need to lead to loneliness. As part of this plan, national organisations working to tackle loneliness and build social connections are invited to apply for a share of £5 million of funding, which the government is investing to help them to continue and adapt their critical work.This fund will make grants of between £500,000 and £1,000,000.” 

Applications close on 29 May. Please click here for more information.

Smaller Grant amounts for organisations supporting the communities through the COVID-19 pandemic can be applied for through the National Lottery Community Fund (England) and the SCVO Wellbeing Fund (Scotland).


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