Age UK Camden
About Age UK Camden
Dementia Befriending – If you’re an older person with memory issues or dementia, living on your own with little or no family & friends and have no contact with other services & activities, a befriender can visit you at home on a weekly basis.
Good Neighbours Befriending – offers befriending and companionship face-to-face. If you’re feeling a bit lonely, or just would like a bit of extra company, then we can arrange a match between you and a volunteer, who will come to visit you on a regular basis.
Telefriends Befriending – can support you or a loved one to stay connected and offer a friendly listening ear.
England, NW1 7AH
Service Eligibility
Dementia Befriending Referrals Email: If you would like to discuss a referral, please feel free to call the service on 0208 103 3991.
Good Neighbour Befriending referrals: 0207 443 9241.
Telefriends referrals: 0207 443 9241 (if leaving a message please mention Telefriends).
Information for Volunteers
To see our volunteer roles and how to apply please visit:
More InformationAge Groups
Adults (25-65), Older People (65+)Themes
Older PeopleRegions
Country: England
Greater LondonOther Information
Type of Befriending: Distance befriending including telephone, video call, letter writing or other means, Face to face befriending which takes place in the home or community
Who can refer: Self Referrals Accepted, Friends & Family Referrals Accepted, Professional Referrals Accepted