Befriending Caithness
About Befriending Caithness
Befriending Caithness is a befriending service which offers isolated adults aged 40 and upwards, in Caithness a chance to meet a friendly face on a weekly basis. Referrals to the service can be made from health professionals, social workers, voluntary organisations, families and also self referrals. Once matched our volunteers visit in the persons home on a weekly basis and can go on shopping trips with them or accompany them to appointments depending on the individual needs of that person. We also run a lunch group in Lyth Arts Centre and a group in Armadale Hall Sutherland. Since COVID 19 we also provide a telephone service, email service and letter writing service.
The Pulteney Centre, Huddart Street, Wick, Caithness, KW1 5BA
Service Eligibility
Information for Volunteers
We offer three elements of befriending in order to reduce loneliness and isolation within Caithness. We have two co-ordinators who will support the volunteers through training, visiting, reviews, and regular volunteer meetings to meet the other volunteers and keep up to date with what we are all up to. One to one matches for the 40s and upwards age group. Visiting people in their homes, taking them for walks, reading, run in the car, cup of coffee and lots of chat. Visiting our local care homes and hospitals. This is currently serviced by our Intergenerational Students from both Wick and Thurso High School as well as regular befriending Volunteers (put on hold due to COVID restrictions)Group Activities volunteers always needed for delivering the group activities. We aim to move forward with one group activity per month bringing people together from all over Caithness. Volunteer Bus befrienders – We have two members of staff, Travel Assistants who will accompany the befriendees to the group activities on our hired bus.