About BucksVision
BucksVision is the local charity supporting people with sight loss across Buckinghamshire and Milton Keynes. We’re here to support you through all the stages and severity of sight loss. People lose their sight for many reasons, including age related and genetic conditions or eye-health problems. However, losing your sight does not necessarily mean losing your independence, struggling alone or losing contact with people. We offer a wide range of services delivered by our small, dedicated staff team and fantastic volunteers. Our Befriending service involves matching you with a volunteer and can include regular visits at your home for companionship or going out to visit local coffee shops or for walks etc. We also have a Reader and Shopper service whereby a volunteer can be provided to assist with correspondence or to take you shopping. And finally we also operate a telephone befriending service in the area.
143 Meadowcroft, Meadowcroft, Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire, HP19 9HH
Service Eligibility
Information for Volunteers
BucksVision’s befriending service involves a number of different roles. A general Befriender role will involve being matched with a person with sight loss (based on shared interests etc) and could include visiting the person at their home or going out with them to local coffee shops or for a walk. We also have a Telephone Befriender role, which is a great role for volunteers who may not be able to physically get out and visit people but would still like to offer their companionship. A Shopper role will involve assisting someone to complete their weekly food shop, a one-off shop for gifts and clothes or something in between, while a Reader will visit someone in their home and provide assistance with correspondence or can read books articles aloud.