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Quality in Befriending Award
  • Recruiting Volunteers

About CACE

CACE has been running for over 30 years, providing Cumbernauld, Kilsyth, Croy and surrounding villages with much needed support for the elderly and Isolated. We run a variety of different services as a way to help our community feel more connected, live well and learn well. Our befriending is a natural end, meaning that the matches finish when we are no longer needed or more intense support is required.


Our befrienders are fully trained with PVGs provided along with continual development support and expense paid.

Suite 4, Arca Business Centre, Dunnswood House, Dunnswood Rd, Cumbernauld, Glasgow, G67 3EN

Service Eligibility

Our befriending service us primarily for those aged 65+, however, there is always room to talk about bringing someone younger into the service depending on their needs. We only support those in Cumbernauld, Chryston, Stepps, Kilsyth, Croy and surrounding villages – if you would like more details then please get in touch.


If you would like to make a referral, for yourself, a service user or someone you know, please follow the link and answer the questions. Alternatively, you can email for a copy of a referral form.


If you would like more information, then reach out to the Engagement and Development Lead: Stewart – or phone 01236 451393

Information for Volunteers

If you would like to apply to become a volunteer please reach out to Stewart the Engagement and Development Lead – or fill out our volunteer application form

Our volunteers primarily support over-65s to reduce loneliness and isolation. As a befriender, you will be matched with an older person and contribute to the invaluable social contact, such as:
Friendly chats over tea
Listening and providing much-needed companionship
Reminiscing over memory boxes
Empowering them to attend social events and reconnect with their community.

To support you in volunteering with us you will receive:
Comprehensive training and induction
Regular support and supervision
Fun volunteer social activities
Additional volunteering opportunities

Befriending looks great on your CV! We are always happy to provide references for successful volunteers

Age Groups


Dementia/memory loss, Mental Health, Older People


Country: Scotland


Other Information

Type of Befriending: Distance befriending including telephone, video call, letter writing or other means, Face to face befriending which takes place in the home or community

Who can refer: Self Referrals Accepted, Friends & Family Referrals Accepted, Professional Referrals Accepted

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