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Deafblind UK

  • Recruiting Volunteers

About Deafblind UK

Deafblind UK support people who have combined sight and hearing loss which affects their access to information, mobility and communication.  We help them to live with their condition and to build their confidence and independence.  Deafblindness affects everyone in different ways.  Some people might have mild sight and hearing loss whereas others can’t see or hear anything.  It can be isolating and lonely and can lead to mental health issues – but it’s far more common than many people realise.  Around 450,000 people are affected by sight and hearing loss in the UK.  Any Deafblind UK member can currently request either a telephone or email befriender and for our BSL using members we also offer video befrienders.

National Centre For Deafblindness, Rainbow Court, Peterborough, Cambridgeshire, PE4 7UP

Service Eligibility

Any person affected by a combined sight and hearing loss and their carers.  You can self refer by calling the Deafblind UK helpline on 0800 132320 or by email at

Information for Volunteers

Deafblind UK members have combined sight and hearing loss and many can feel lonely or socially isolated.  We offer a free telephone befriending service where we match volunteers with one of our members to have a weekly 30 minute chat together.

We are looking for confident, empathetic and friendly people who can hold a good conversation.  You could be chatting about similar interests or learning about each other’s lives.  Whatever the conversation you’ll be having a positive impact.  One 30 minute call seems really simple but having someone to talk to and someone to listen, could really make a difference to our members.  It could be that you’re the only person they speak to that day, or even that week.

We will ensure you are supported throughout your journey with us, offering training and support at all times.

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Age Groups

Young People (18-25), Adults (25-65)




Country: England, Wales, Northern Ireland

South East England, South West England, East of England, East Midlands, North East England, North West England, Yorkshire and the Humber

Other Information

Type of Befriending: Distance befriending including telephone, video call, letter writing or other means

Who can refer: Self Referrals Accepted

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