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Edinburgh City Mission

Two's Company Befriending

About Edinburgh City Mission

Our Two’s Company Befriending service offers dependable relationships to people aged 65 and older whose situations maybe made harder by social isolation or feelings of loneliness.  We offer both weekly telephone befriending and face to face befriending.  This service is completely free and offered through volunteer befrienders.  Where appropriate we may also help connect people further to their community.  We are currently accepting referrals from EH7, EH11, EH14 and EH15.  This service does not offer personal care, cleaning or shopping. 

Two’s Company Befriending is run as a partnership between Edinburgh City Mission and Linking Lives UK with support from local churches.

7 Washington Lane, Washington Lane, Edinburgh, Scotland, EH11 2HA

Service Eligibility

There are numerous ways that people can refer to our befrinedng service we mainly get referals by community link workers from GP practices, but we also recieve family referals and self referals.

Information for Volunteers

Just 60 minutes of your time each week could make a huge difference to someone else’s life.  If you’re empathetic and friendly, you could be a befriender.  Our volunteer befrienders call or meet with their friend on a regular basis.  These visits often become a highlight of the week for all involved and result in huge benefits to health and wellbeing.  All volunteers go through the necessary safeguarding checks including a PVG check.  They also receive training and and ongoing support.  If you’re interested in getting involved we’d love to hear from you!

Age Groups

Older People (65+)


Mental Health, Disability, Older People


Country: Scotland


Other Information

Type of Befriending: Face to face befriending which takes place in the home or community

Who can refer: Self Referrals Accepted, Friends & Family Referrals Accepted, Professional Referrals Accepted

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