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Fairway Fife

Quality in Befriending Award

About Fairway Fife

Fairway Fife is a Peer Mentoring Charity involving people with learning disabilities from 16 years of age. Our aim is to encourage and support access to social and leisure facilities within our local communities, enabling our members to strive towards living their dreams through the support of non-disabled peers. We want to make a positive difference by recruiting professionally supported committed volunteers who can support our members on their exciting journey. By using a variety of activities as a vehicle, caring relationships can be formed and both members and peer mentors’ lives may be enhanced from the benefits gained, helping them all to achieve their highest potential.

Unit 23 Dunfermline Business Centre, Izatt Avenue, Dunfermline, Fife, KY11 3BZ

Service Eligibility

Information for Volunteers

To become a Peer Mentor, you must be aged 16 yrs or above and be available to commit to at least four hours per fortnight, for a minimum of one year. You must have an openness to people with disabilities, a non-judgemental attitude, a willingness to help others strive to fulfil their own potential and dreams and an ability to recognise each individual’s talents and strengths. There are many other ways to become involved in Fairway Fife, such as joining the Management Board to assist in the running of the Charity or to help organise some aspect of the Project e.g. fundraising, administration, becoming a volunteer driver to help the guys attend different venues, you may have a skill or talent you wish to share- arts and crafts, sports training, music-the opportunities are endless.

Age Groups



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