Getting Better Together
Shotts Healthy LivingAbout Getting Better Together
Getting Better Together Adult Services offers a variety of supports to adults 18+ who want to improve or maintain their mental health and wellbeing. Our services are either discounted or free and these include:
- 1:1 Home Visiting & Befriending for those 55+
- Group Befriending offered across various settings
- Telephone Befriending and wellbeing calls
- Intergenerational Sessions
- Social Prescribing
- Financial Inclusion
- Carer Connector
Shotts Healthy Learning Centre, Kirk Road, Shotts, North Lanarkshire, ML7 5ET
Service Eligibility
Information for Volunteers
Volunteers should be 18 yrs + and have an interest in reducing isolation & Loneliness for individuals across the Wishaw and Shotts locality. We can offer a number of befriending opportunities.
Volunteers can support:
1) Telephone befriending – designed to offer house bound clients a weekly chat.
2) 1:1 Befriending – offering clients a 2 hour weekly visit for 12 weeks to re-engage them into their community.
3) Group befriending across our various groups such as: sewing group, art group, afternoon teas, day trips, GBT workshop to mention a few.
Full training & Support will be provided. Volunteer Befriender will receive full ‘out of pocket expenses’ and travel expenses for providing their much valued expertise and time