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Keech Hospice Care

  • Recruiting Volunteers

About Keech Hospice Care

Compassionate Neighbours is a growing movement of people who support each other to promote compassion in their communities. They provide social and emotional support to people who have a life limiting illness or palliative diagnosis and are experiencing loneliness or social isolation by: – visiting regularly- offering friendship, emotional support and a listening ear helping them to do the things they like doing- helping them stay connected to the community as well as family and friends.
If you are:

a Luton resident over the age of 18
diagnosed with a physical life limiting or terminal illness
able to reciprocate friendship, and living alone or experiencing loneliness and social isolation

Then, you may be eligible for the befriending support of a Compassionate Neighbour.

England, LU3 3NT

Service Eligibility

If you are:

a Luton resident over the age of 18
diagnosed with a physical life limiting or terminal illness
able to reciprocate friendship, and living alone or experiencing loneliness and social isolation

Then, you may be eligible for the befriending support of a Compassionate Neighbour.
You can contact for more information.

Information for Volunteers

Compassionate Neighbours is a social movement of local people enabled and supported to be more compassionate in their local communities towards people at the end of life due to age or illness, and share knowledge and experiences of end of life, death, dying and loss.
Our volunteers offer companionship through regular visits, offering a listening ear and someone to share interests and hobbies with. They offer support to stay connected with community, friends, and family
We are looking for volunteers with:

A willingness to develop a new friendship
Good communication and listening skills
Empathy and a non-judgmental attitude
Respect diversity and others’ opinions
An eagerness to make a difference in the local community

You must be over 18+ and will be required to complete Compassionate Neighbours training to become a volunteer.

More Information

Age Groups

Young People (18-25), Adults (25-65), Older People (65+)


Ethnic Minority Communities, Older People


Country: England

South East England

Other Information

Type of Befriending: Face to face befriending which takes place in the home or community

Who can refer: Self Referrals Accepted, Friends & Family Referrals Accepted, Professional Referrals Accepted

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