Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust
About Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust
To befriend patients and provide individual support enabling patients in one of our Forensic units who have little or no contact with persons outside the Hospital to take part in social contacts and provide them with an opportunity to develop links with the outside community. Volunteer Visitors are social visitors who visit their befriendee at least once a fortnight during normal visiting hours these may vary upon location.
Duncan Macmillan House, Porchester Road, Nottingham, Nottingham, NG3 6AA
Service Eligibility
Information for Volunteers
Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust is the of the UK’s largest NHS foundation trusts. We provide a full range of mental health, intellectual disability and community healthcare services. Our services include:; Forensic Services; Adult Mental Health Services; Substance Misuse Services; Mental Health Services for Older People; Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services; Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Service; Integrated Offender Healthcare; Community HealthcareThese services are provided from community settings through to acute wards as well as low, medium and high secure settings. The Trust manages two medium secure units, Arnold Lodge in Leicester and Wathwood Hospital in Rotherham as well as the high secure Rampton Hospital near Retford. It also provides healthcare in one immigration removal centre and prisons across the East Midlands and Yorkshire.The Trust have more than 200 volunteers who give their time helping to improve patient experience by volunteering on our wards, supporting people in the community and gathering patient feedback and contributing to improving services